How did the Quinn Movie Night Give Back?

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We had a great time at our recent Anthony Quinn Movie Night. A lot of great people joined us for a great dinner and viewing of the classic Frederico Fellini movie, La Strada. The event doubled as a fundraiser for the Mental Health Association of New Jersey, who we raised close to $1,700 for.

It was certainly a wonderful evening having dinner and watching a movie with so many great people at such a great venue. It was nice to see how everything tied together with the movie, the food, and the venue.

We would also like to thank our great sponsors, without who this event could have never been possible. Thanks to Vince Celli of the Whiteweld Foundation, Phill Palazolo of Morgan Stanley the Da Vinci Networking Group. Doug Lynch of A-1 Basements, and Andy Savoca of NJ Mortgage Lenders.  Also, a special thank you to LA Strada Restaurant and Gigi Cupcakes for the delicious food.

For anyone who was unable to make the event, but still wanted to donate to this great cause or wanted more information about it, give me a call or send me an email. You can also contact us with any questions or concerns you have about real estate. Thanks for joining us today!

Who Is Your Favorite Service Professional?

Selling a home? Click here for a FREE Home Price Evaluation

Today, I’m asking you to share your favorite service professional in the surrounding New Jersey Commuter Town area. They can be from any field. They can be accountants, tax professionals, other Realtors, electricians, plumbers, and more.

If there’s someone you’ve worked with in the past two years, we want to know about your positive experience. Maybe you know someone just starting their company and you want to help them earn some recognition in our region. I am looking to meet good people to help them expand their business!

Of course, after fourteen years in real estate, I have a network of preferred vendors. However, I’m always eager to connect with new faces and help them any way I possibly can.

So, if you know someone I should know, reply to this post by sending me an email or calling my office. I’m always open to answering your real estate questions and discussing your real estate needs as well.